I want to be strong in my resolve. I want to be strong in my convictions. I want to be strong in my relationships. I want to be strong for my family and friends. I want to be mentally strong. And yes… I want to be physically strong too.Now that the year is coming to a close, I can say with confidence that I am STRONGER than I was when the year began.
My relationship with my Mom is STRONG. Mom and I spent a week long vacation just the two of us in the spring that culminated in our doing a half-marathon together. Crossing the finish line hand in hand was a great moment for both of us.
My relationship with Liam is STRONG. Having a great open relationship with him at 15 is so important to me. I'm glad that we can talk about anything, even if there are times that he isn't so pleased about the topic choices!
Hilary and I continue to have a STRONG relationship. We celebrated 24 years together yesterday. We have managed big moves, buying houses, having a kid, illnesses, career changes and pretty much everything else that life has to offer. All of it just makes us STRONGER together.
I am mentally STRONG. I try to challenge myself both at work and at home, to keep my mind active. Don't get me wrong, there is a good amount of time spent on mindless pursuits as well, but I think that recharging is just as important.
I am physically STRONGER too. I completed two half-marathons this year and many other races as part of my training. I joined a gym to work on strength training to help keep me injury free. I can lift heavier weights now than I could a year ago. One day soon I might even be able to do a push-up.
2017 was a great year overall. Thank you to all my friends and family who helped me be STRONG.
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