Saturday, July 19, 2014

Anatomy of a birthday party

What happens when you get four 11-12 year old boys together for a 3 hour birthday party?

  • One kid will get dropped off early, before you are set up and ready to go
  • One kid will be late, causing a delay in activities and making the other kids squirrelly
  • One kid will get hurt within 5 minutes of arriving, and will then whine about it till they leave
  • One kid will not listen to any direction you give them
  • One kid will be mean to at least one other kid
  • One kid will refuse to participate in anything
  • Four kids will cry "we're bored" half way through
  • One kid will be mouthy
  • One kid will be polite
  • One kid will not like any of the snacks you offer
  • One kid will plant them-self at the snack table and scarf down everything in sight
  • One kid will use inappropriate language
  • One kid will constantly bring up inappropriate topics, like flavoured tampons (I didn't ask)
  • One kid will keep coming in the house, even though they've been told to stay outside (they are wet)
  • One kid will keep holding the screen door wide open, even though they can see the cat plotting its escape
  • One kid will be picked up late
  • One Mother will enjoy quiet time at the mall while the party is going on
  • One Mother will enjoy quiet time with an alcoholic beverage after they all leave
What do your children's birthday parties look like?

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