Tuesday, March 3, 2009


What? You don't know what meconopsis means, or is, or was?

I'm not surprised! Neither did I till I found out the my father-in-law has written a book on the subject. Obviously I knew that he was writting a book and that it was going to be published this month. I just thought it was about flowers, not meconopsis!

Turns out that meconopsis is the fancy-dancy name for Blue Poppies, something that my FIL grows very well and also takes amazing pictures of:

His book, Blue Heaven - Encounters with the Blue Poppy is due out this month by Touchwood Editions. I know a copy will be added to our book collection? Why not add it to yours?


PWNort64 said...

Actually, I'm quite tempted. The shade of blue in these poppies causes an emotional reaction in me (a happy one). It's the color of my bedroom walls and I love it!

Beautiful Mess said...

That is a beautiful flower! I've never seen one before!