Friday, March 20, 2009

She almost made it

a whole week without Liam getting injured!

Poor Grandma!


Heather said...

Oh my poor, darling future son-in-law!! What the heck did he do?

If it's any consolation, your future daughter-in-law whacked her forehead on the edge of the coffee table this morning for no apparent reason, so she's got a nice bruise about an inch above the cut on her future hubby's eye...

Kids! :P Hope Liam's feeling okay and that he heals up quickly!

Beautiful Mess said...

Aww poor guy! How did grandma take it?

Anonymous said...

my sister always said that if at the end of the day she didn't have a food stain on her shirt she must have not eaten anything that day.

for justin i feel the same goes for bruises, cuts, scrapes etc etc etc... if a day goes by without checking one of them off, i wonder what is wrong!

oh how i dread the end of snowboard season - it just becomes skateboard season instead!