Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hilary's Pizza Challenge

Hilary and Liam decided that I should make pizza this weekend.   I was good with this one, since I'm much more comfortable with baking and have made pizza dough quite often.  When we were discussing potential toppings, I suggested that Hilary pick out toppings of her choice and make me a "black box challenge" just like they do on some cooking shows.  In essence she would give me the ingredients and I had to put them together on a pizza.   I asked her to not go to crazy, but to find something that I might actually succeed with.

Here is what she came up with for me:
Fresh mozzarella, prosciutto and peaches. 

Ummmm.... okay?  Not things I would ever think to put on pizza, but hey! I was game.  Hilary explained that it's not much different then Hawaiian pizza - fruit, ham, cheese.  When I looked at it that way it didn't seem quite so crazy.

I ended up making 4 different kinds of pizza so that we could have some in the freezer for quick and easy meals.  I even made tomato sauce to go with it.  I started the day by being pretty stressed out and feeling overwhelmed, but it all came together in the end. 

From left to right: Peach and prosciutto with asparagus,  Grilled Vegetables,  Carmalized onion with  mushrooms and Fontina cheese,   Sausage and peppers.