Sunday, November 9, 2008


Hilary recently bought me a new book Chicken Soup for the Adopted Soul. We've read other Chicken Soup books and have enjoyed them, even though a lot of the stories are steeped in Christian beliefs which we don't share. I always enjoy reading stories of adoption, in fact, I spend way too much time reading blogs and participating in forums on that very topic. After all, I've been an adoptee for 38 years and an adoptive parent for 6, so it's a topic very near and dear to me.

So far I've enjoyed the stories I've read. I've cried a few times, laughed out loud and connected with some of the story tellers. Unfortunately, like most anything to do with adoption, there is no where near enough representation of First Mothers and Fathers. The general public wants to hear the warm and fuzzy side of adoption, not the heart break and agony side. Which really does a disservice to all. One third of every adoption story is missing if the first parents side isn't included.

I almost didn't start reading the book. I was stuck on the very first paragraph of the introduction. The presumptuousness of the person who wrote the intro nearly pushed me over the edge! How dare s/he (the introduction isn't credited to someone specific) make a blanket statement about "the universal belief of every adoptive parent."

I've heard this "universal belief" spouted by other adoptive parents. Generally from ones who see adoption as a means to form their family with little or no regard for the other people affected by the adoption. Like their own child. People who forget that this cute little baby they are cuddling will one day grow up and ask the difficult questions.

So what was this opening paragraph you ask?

Every time, I declare, "I don't know why he was conceived in another womb or
born in another land, but I know with all my heart that God created him to be
ours." Reading the 3,000+ stories submitted for Chicken Soup for the Adopted
taught me that this is not just my conviction, but the universal belief of every adoptive parent.

To believe that the God you worship would purposefully chose to allow a woman to get pregnant JUST so that she can relinquish her child and endure lifetime of pain all in order for some other person to adopt the child is not a something that I can remotely understand. If your God is all powerful and in charge, why not just place the kid with the adoptive family in the first place? Why allow infertility and unplanned pregnancy?

And if you do believe this, please don't declare it as the "universal belief" of every adoptive parent. I certainly don't believe it. Most adoptive parents I know don't believe it - even the Christian ones.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Thanks for highlighting this. You can subtract me from that universe.

You bring up a great point. I'd love to hear someone in that universe address it.

Heather said...

Yep, I'm with you, and I *am* a Christian. Hating the whole "blanket statement" thing anyhow, but especially one as narrowly-focused and one-sided as this one. :P

I remember all the brouhaha when this book was seeking submissions - then I forgot it was going to come out.

PWNort64 said...

I believe the child I have is my child and meant to be mine (not God-ordained, though) given both of our circumstances...those being that I was looking for a child and that he needed a family. I could never believe that God would ordain the pain and hurt involved in adoption and relinquishment just so someone could have a child. That is disturbing that it is presented as the "universal" belief of adoptive parents. It is just wrong!

Jacklyn Cornwell said...

As a contributor to the book and one of the few who wrote about the biological parent's side of the situation, I am not a Christian and I did not give up my child because he was ordained by God to be with someone else. What utter ignorance. That blanket statement is holier than a sieve.

J. M. Cornwell
Love is Enough

Anonymous said...

I was wondering a while back if there was a Chicken soup for the soul dealing with adoption (it seemed they had one for every topic imagineable - I couldn't believe I couldn't find one for this!)

Then I realized there was a decent chance I wouldn't like what it had to say, so I stopped searching.

Now that I know it's available I might have to take a peek....