Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog Hop #2

Heather over at Open Adoption Bloggers  is hosting another Blog Hop in order to help connect people to new (and old) bloggers.

 The question everyone has been asked to answer is:
"Do you have a favorite quotation?"

I sure do, and I hope that lots of you will know what it means.  Leave your guesses in the comments!

Semper Ubi Sub Ubi

Be sure to check out all the other bloggers participating in the Hop!


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Always where underwhere!

Heather said...

Ha! Now I know what I missed by not taking Latin. :)

Anonymous said...

Latin always makes things sound smart and important

Addison said...

Is est bonus derideo!

(OK, I cheated. I used an online translator.)