We decided to try something new and unusual, something that neither Hilary nor I had ever done and definitely something my Mom had never done! We went out for Teppanyaki:
Teppanyaki dining is a Japanese tradition where specially trained chefs prepare the meal right at your table on a large grill. In Japanese, teppan means an iron plate or steel sheet and yaki means stir-frying.
We had a fabulous time! The chef is not only skilled with a knife he is also an entertainer. He built our table a volcano out of rings of raw onion, filled it with oil and lit it on fire.
The grand finally was the meat being cooked under a very large flame. We were sitting about 1 foot back from this! You can just see the edge of Mom's plate in the corner of the picture.
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your mom! :)
Secondly, that looks like a really fun restaurant! I went to a place like that once when I was about 12 or 13, but I've always wanted to go back and never have...
Lastly, that is a great pic of the three of you!
Happy birthday, Mama of Andy!
(One of the few words I remember from my year in Japan, which means something like, "you must have worked so hard on that.")
Oooh, this is one of my favorite meals. Henry insists on using chopstiks when we visit our local Benihana's. Sounds like a good time was had by all!
Yum! I love teppanyaki. Love it.
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