Monday, April 6, 2009

What Am I? round 13 # 2

So far we know that it isn't:
  1. a dish towel
  2. jammies
  3. my wall (hint, the white you see "behind" it, is part of "it")
  4. my arm and shoulder encased in some type of flannel garment
So on to today's clue:

Does that help?


Heather said...

I'm guessing it is some sort of doll - maybe one used as a doorstop?

*shrug* No idea though, really! :D

lassie said...

Is it one of those crybaby dolls that lean against a wall to look like they are crying?

Thanks for the fun!

Beautiful Mess said...

Hmmmm...I was thinking what lassie already guessed. How about a puppet?

Lori Lavender Luz said...

The photo looks like a giant thumb with buttonholes!

But my guess is an octopus.

(Not a real one, of course).

Anonymous said...

A scarecrow?