Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Am I? round 13

I don't have much time for blogging right now so I'm leaving you with a new "What Am I"? You've all gotten so good at guessing, that I've had to search the house for better and more obscure objects. I don't think anyone will guess this one right away:

As always, a new picture will go up each day until someone guesses it. I have 9 pictures planned for this one. Let's see how many it takes!


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Dish towel.

Beautiful Mess said...

Jammies. Unless you're doing trick photography and it's the white behind the plaid..then I'll have to say

Anonymous said...

Ok, hmmm. I am thinking you took a picture of your arm and shoulder encased in some type of flannel garment.