Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Am I? Round 17 Clue #2

We're going to try a different approach to What Am I? as this item is not photogenic. So I'm stealing borrowing the format from Lori's Childhood Trivia. Each day I will post a new clue to the item. To get you started I'll tell you that it's something that has significance from my childhood and I was prompted to do this What Am I? with it when Hilary brought it home last week.

No Winners yet! Here's the list of what we know it isn't:
  • a Saint Bernard dog
  • a religious candle

So without further ado, here is your second clue:
  • Saint
  • November
Don't forget, the first person to correctly guess the item wins it!

1 comment:

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Waiting for my crate to arrive...

Hmmm...now I'm thinking All Saint's Day. St Anthony? Is he the one you bury in your yard when you want to sell a house?

St Elmo's Fire? You're sending me the Brat Pack? But there's no connection to November.

Fail. I'll wait 'til tomorrow.

(If you tweet this, I'll RT.)