Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscar Recap

You can find a 1000 recaps of the actual Oscar's all over the Internet, this is a recap of our 10th annual party!

We had planned on being 11, but 3 folks couldn't make it. I think Hilary had cooked enough food for 18, so even after sending stuff home with everyone we'll be eating left overs all week. Which is just fine by me!

Here's a view of the food:

Since this was our 10th party Hilary made a commemorative plaque for our friend Sandy, the only one who has attended all years:

Sandy accepting her award!

We had a great time! I only guessed 7 categories right, not bad since I had mainly seen kid-centered movies this year (Transformers, Ratatouille, Pirates of the Caribbean). I did end up wining the soundtrack to Juno, so not bad for coming in 5th!
I wonder what Hilary is planning for the menu next year? Because you can bet she's already thinking about it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how cool I wanna come...wa wa wa
