Sunday, May 2, 2010

Going back on my word

Back in February I was pretty adamant that I would NEVER read the book Three Weeks to Say Goodbye by C.J. Box

Well, never say never!  I just finished it this morning.  We were at Chapters a few weeks ago and the book was on sale and displayed at the end of an aisle that I was checking out.  Something drew me to it, and hey, who can pass up a cheap book?

I was pleasantly surprised by it.  It was an easy, quick read, with a few great plot twists that I didn't see coming.  Yes, adoption plays a roll in it by giving it the basis of the story line - the birthfather never signed away his rights and now is coming to take the baby back from the adoptive parents, but adoption is not the focus of the book.

I would definitely not  recommend any potential adoptive parents read it!  While the story line is plausible (at least the adoption part, some of the rest gets kinda crazy), if adoption agencies are doing their job and dotting all their i's and crossing their t's, this type of situation should be pretty rare.  But it can happen.

As for everyone else, it's a good mystery, it's got some violence and gore in it, so if you don't like that stuff I would skip it.   Overall though, I would rate it worth the read.

1 comment:

Beautiful Mess said...

Sounds like a good book! I might have to pick it up. Although when I'll have the time to read for pleasure, is beyond me.

Nae and I had a discussion on adoption the other day and I thought of you! We were passing an agency and I pointed it out and she looked confused. I clarified what agencies do and the difference between them and orphanages. She had the two mixed into one...not good! I'm SO glad I had the information to clear that up for her.

Thank you for speaking out about adoption and giving me information to use when needed.