Friday, January 9, 2009

What's in your bathtub?

Once upon a time my bathtub was a sanctuary. A quiet place I retreated to every night. A book, some candles and a glass of wine were the only requirements. A nice CD playing in the background or something aroma-therapeutic was a nice added touch.

Now I can't remember the last time I even had a bath. (don't get grossed out dear readers. I still get clean everyday, it's just been reduced to a 6 minute shower before the sun comes up in the morning.)

This morning, bleary-eyed and pre-coffee, I pulled back the shower curtain to enjoy my 6 minutes of hot water solitude. The furnace had just come on so the house was still quite chilly and I wanted to hop into the shower as quickly as possible, so I had already stripped down. It was only then that I realized that the tub was already full. Of TOYS. Somehow after Liam's bath last night the toys had not made their way back to his TWO tub-toy containers.

This is what I found in the tub:

1 Theodore Tugboat
5 boats of various sizes
2 submarines
1 large purple octopus (this should count as 9 items since all his arms had been removed and were suctioned to various parts of the tub)
1 wind up diver
1 pair of binoculars (no idea when or why these become a tub toy)
4 Playmobile people and all of their little-itty-bitty pieces (really, do kids need a toy bottle the size of a pinhead to feed a seal the size of a dime?)
3 Bionnicles
2 Lego Starships
7 Star Wars figurines
5 Hot wheels
2 Pieces of hot wheel track
1 dinosaur

I'm not sure how Liam actually fit in the tub with all of this.

So tell me, what is in your tub?


PWNort64 said...

This is hysterical. I almost took a picture of my shower last night while Henry was in there. His current favorite is the hot wheels toys and he had about 20 of them lined up on the little ledge.

Heather said...

LOL! So perfect of you to have written this today, when I impaled my foot on a stray dinosaur that hadn't made its way back into one of Kiddo's TWO toy buckets last night after her bath......

Though I try to overlook her massive tub toy collection, given that I remember all too well the ridiculous number of toys (and things that weren't really toys, like ice cube trays and various other kitchen implements) that my sisters and I used to have for our baths.

Aunt Becky said...

Mine sounds just like yours. Although it's in dire need of a replacement bottom because it's flaking off. Sexy, eh? Wanna come and shower here? I DIDN'T THINK SO.