Monday, January 12, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday

Lori started Perfect Moment Monday's some time ago. She writes:

Perfect Moment Monday is more about noticing a perfect moment than about creating one. Perfect moments are just waiting to be observed, and can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.

Up until now I haven't had anything that felt like a Perfect Moment.

Last week none of us had been sleeping well. It was the first week back to school after the holiday break and everyone was tired and cranky. After a particularly trying evening I was reading Liam his bedtime story. It offered some opportunities to sneak some math questions into it, so I was quizzing him on things like "what is 2 + 2" or "5 + 3". He was getting them all right and was very proud of himself (and I was proud too!) So I threw in a trick question:

"What is Liam + Mama?"

Without skipping a beat he said (with a big ole cheesy grin plastered on his face):


And that is my perfect moment.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Awwwwww. This is perfect in so many ways. Your son is left-brained, right-brained and good-hearted.

So glad you had a perfect moment!

Heather said...

Oh, so, so sweet.

A perfect moment indeed.


Anonymous said...
