Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

We aren't big on valentine's day here, other then it's a good excuse to buy and eat chocolate (not that we really need an excuse, but it's nice to have one anyway!) We of course got cards from my Mom. She buys cards for EVERY occasion. She must have stock in Hallmark.

But we do like to celebrate occasions with table presents. So when I ran to the store to get pipe-cleaners so Liam could finish his valentine's for his teachers, I decided to add Valentine's Day Dinner to the list of holiday's that we have table presents.

I've eaten all the chocolate and the presents are wrapped (what? You don't wrap everything in brown lunch bags? I do! It's easier, cheaper and you can decorate them for any occasion.) The house is starting to smell delicious, so it looks like we've had another successful Valentine's Day!

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