Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 6, 2008 - Today's the day

That we use the new bread maker.... twice!! Hilary got a bread maker for her birthday from her Mum. We've never really been sure if we wanted one, as I make bread from scratch. But life these days seems way too busy to find the time to make bread, and we do miss having fresh warm bread around.

The first thing we made was a sweet dough for Cinnamon rolls for breakfast this morning! I was worried as the dough didn't seem to rise as much as I thought it should, but they turned out great!!

Please note: we only made 1/2 a pan, we did not eat 1/2 a pan!

Then we made a honey-cornmeal loaf for dinner to go with our baked beans. It turned out really well too.

Now if we could just find somewhere to keep it!! We need way more counter space for all of our toys!


Lori Lavender Luz said...

There ought to be a law against making someone's mouth water so profusely.

Heather said...

Mmmmmm, cinnamon rolls... *drool*

Anonymous said...


I agree about counter space as well!