Thursday, June 12, 2008

Transportation style noodles

A couple of years ago Hilary's Mum and Bill went on holiday to Italy. And they brought back a gift for Liam that his changed his diet forever and added new words to our everyday vocabulary, specifically "transportation style noodles"

Liam has always been a picky eater as textures bother him. So as parents we have struggled with trying to make sure he gets enough protein, since meat is on his definite "yucky" list. We've been know to sneak tofu into his smoothies and nuts are a common snack. We cannot get him to eat eggs however in any format other then Cadbury's. Hilary has tried various creative ways to get eggs into him but none have been very successful. Till the package from Granny arrived.

At first glance they are just fun shaped pasta - cars, trains, planes. All things a little boy loves. And that is all they are. Pasta shaped as various modes of transportation. It's what Hilary decided to do with them that led to our boy adding eggs to his diet, daily if we would let him!

While your pasta is boiling, mix together 2 tbsp of grated parmesan cheese with 1 tsp of butter and 1 egg yolk. Mix until it's a lovely gooey mess. Drain the pasta, mix your gooey mess into the noodles and serve.

Liam would eat this twice a day every day if we let him. The fun pasta shapes were consumed long ago, but for some reason this meal will be forever known as Transportation Style Noodles in our house. Liam loves them so much that he made a "transportation style noodle bowl" at our last trip to the Clay Cafe.

I would love to find these specific pasta shapes again for him, but no amount of Googling has led me to somewhere that I can order them from. Right now we use Disney's Mickey Mouse shaped pasta, but wagon wheels will do in a pinch. I wonder how long his love of transportation style noodles will last, or if this will be his life long comfort food?


Aunt Becky said...

Oh my friend. How glad I am to have found you. My big son (he's nearly 7) has ridiculous problems with textures. I will have to try and find some pasta like this. I hear World Market has some varieties.

And the name of your blog? BRILLIANT.

Heather said...

Andy, did you check out this place?

I didn't see any cars, but they have loads of cool pastas including soccer and dance themed (oh and cute kitties). If they don't ship out of the country, you could have them shipped here and I will mail them on to you..... :)