Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 26, 2008 - Today's the day

that I start to brush up on my French! Inspired by some on line friends who are also learning/practicing their French, I'm going to make an effort to read at least one thing a day in French. I'm on the look out for an intersting French blog to subscribe to, or I may just find a French newspaper.

What I really need to practice is my spoken French! My tongue is so out of shape that I feel like I've got a mouth full of cotton when I try to speak it. So maybe once I find something to read I will also read it out loud.

I'm also going to make more of an effort to speak to Liam in French and to read/sing to him in French.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bad bad should have been speaking to him in French all along...bad momma...get working on will be so good for him...get that cotton out of the mouth and get talking again...DH could carry on a conversation with you if your lookin to talk to would be good for him too..Debi