Friday, March 28, 2008

March 28, 2008 - Today's the day

that we begin our toy moratorium! Liam has more toys then he could possibly need and as a result has a bad case of the "gimmes" with frequent bouts of the "I-gotta-have's". My grandmother sent him $20 for Easter, so he got to spend it today. After that there are NO NEW TOYS for at least one month!!

The problem is that he gets an allowance for various jobs he does around the house. He gets $5 a week. Most of the things that he wants to buy however are more then $5, but he can't bring himself to save up. That pretty blue paper burns a hole in his wallet faster then a cat in a blender.

So for one month we will "help" him save up his $$. He's on board with the idea, because he recognizes that he can't save up on his own. But the rule is no whining, crying or pitching a fit for a new toy during this time ~ actually that's the rule ALL the time, we're just really re-inforcing it for this period!

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well good luck ....we do allowance for above and beyond work...Spencer gets 6 dollars with two going to spending and 2 to saving and 2 to donate...and Griff gets 3 bucks with a dollar going to each. I think learning the value of a buck (which is not much right now in the US) is a great thing to learn from early on....toy moratorium....hmmm...there is a good chance I would be voted off the Island while dad was a t work one day...but really my boys do not get toys but every once in a blue moon...we could provide toys for a small nation ...Debi